Thursday, July 06, 2006

Abstinence Works!

A recent report shows that teen smoking is down. Why you may ask? Well it is obvious to me that the President's abstinence policies are working. Less teen sex equals less teen smoking. While the President is working to keep our children safe, and rest assured I have already administered the pledge to Sally, the liberals want our teens living a very different lifestyle. Witness:

How this helps them grow up to be honest, stong Americans, I have no idea.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Communist Sex

Some friends of mine and I were having a discussion about the smut that is out there on the internet. Now, I am not naive and I understand that the internet is a haven for those that would prey on man's weak nature, but some things just go too far.

Exhibit A:

Could there be anything more disgusting that pushing communist sex on the men of America? Could there be a more calculated attempt to weaken us? To think that our children could access this material without patental supervison turns my stomache.

I am currently petitioning my Congressman to have this kind of material banned, but as he is a extreme liberal, I do not believe that I will have success. Friends, pleaqse contact your Congressmen and have this kind of material banned before our county is destroyed.